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My Moments of Awareness (MoA) Collection

a place where there is no right or wrong ... only "SilentKnowing"

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What is Your Way?

What is Your Way?


Ronnie K



What is your way you connect to YourGod …
… to nourish your heart and nourish soul?

Some nourish their heart and soul by prayer …
… and some by meditation
… and some by being in nature.
Some do it with song and others with dance.

And some … not at all.

What is your way you connect to YourGod?

May 10, 2024


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Be the Light

Be the Light


Ronnie K



Be the Light of Peace.
Be the Light of Joy.
Be the Light of Love.
Be the Light of YourGod

Be the Light … Be the light.

Apr 29, 2024


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Chance to Be Reborn

Chance to Be Reborn


Ronnie K



Last night I sat out on my small patio and looked up at the stars as I reflected on what I discussed with my doctor earlier in the afternoon.

The first thought that went through my mind when I saw the Little Dipper was wonder if I had ever been there in a previous existence.

Then the reality of the solution to correct my heart issues was next in line ... heart bypass.

I am so very grateful as I know this is an opportunity ...
... an opportunity that offers me the chance to be reborn
... to be the caterpillar that comes out a butterfly.

I am ready to fly again, no make that soar ...
... with a fresh awareness of life.

May 11, 2011


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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For Some Individuals

For Some Individuals


Ronnie K



Unknowingly or knowingly, for some individuals ...
... TheirGod is the god of their EGO
... service to self.

Unknowingly or knowingly, for some individuals ...
... TheirGod is the god of their Heart and Soul
... service to others.

Unknowingly or knowingly, for most individuals ...
... their relationship to TheirGod lies somewhere in between
... sometimes in harmony and sometimes in dissention
... between themselves and the world that surrounds them.

God of Ego ... or God of Heart and Soul ...
... the choice is always yours.

Mar 4, 2024


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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A New Inner Self-Awareness

A New Inner Self-Awareness


Ronnie K



Today, I graciously acknowledge and fully recognize ...
... "the-who" that I have become, now serves me well
... and "the-who" I have been will no longer serve me.

In 20/20 hindsight, I can clearly see how I have evolved ...
... evolved from a self-centered loving spirit ...
... to a loving spirit committed to be of service to others.

I always thought of myself as a compassionate spirit ...
... a spirit that desired to be of service to others ...
... just never understood the humble practice of "surrender"
... of letting go of ego to accomplish this desire.

Thank you, Hashem, for this transformational understanding.

Thank you, Hashem, for adding to the wisdom of my soul.

Feb 29, 2024


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Trust the Wisdom

Trust the Wisdom


Ronnie K



"I Trust the Wisdom of my Soul ...
... to Trust the Wisdom of the Universe."

For me, now a daily practice ...
... Trusting the Wisdom of my Soul.

Jul 17, 2021


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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And Please Know ...

And Please Know ...


Ronnie K



My Dear Kathleen and Stephen,

Please know I am grateful to you each ...
... and I truly appreciate my 'safe-living-work-space'
... as this space allowed me to be a free spirit evolving
... to a new and fresh 'life dimension' that I've entered.

May the coming New Year bring you each ...
... 'worthy' journeys of light ...
... and experience a fresh awakening,
... to a new kind of Peace and Joy and Love
... as it graciously nourishes your hearts and souls.

Ronnie K

Dec 30, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Nourishment of Unconditional Love

Nourishment of Unconditional Love


Ronnie K



For me, what continues to make 'life' 'worth' 'connecting-to'
... is the possibility of 'giving and receiving' ...
... the 'nourishing-energy' of 'unconditional-love'.

'Sweet-thoughts' 'worthwhile' 'enjoying'.

Dec 29, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Acceptance and Faith and Tomorrows

Acceptance and Faith and Tomorrows


Ronnie K



I am finally ready to accept 'What is, is ...'
... that letting go of the thoughts that once were
... is the only way to move on in my life
... and grateful for the most difficult lessons
... life has ever taught me.

And I have faith in the reality of what lies ahead for me
... and has been patiently waiting to welcome me home.

It's the right thing to do
... and to start my fresh tomorrows, today.

Oct 3, 2015


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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 State of My Spirit

State of My Spirit


Ronnie K



My declaration to all that know me ...

"I am dedicating my 'daily-being' to 'participate' in making the world a 'better' place.

This practice has become the 'State of My Spirit'.
Feels very right ... with both purpose and meaning.

Perhaps it's also about practicing the art of being ...
... each others 'angel' when there is an 'opportunity' to do so.

Join me ...

Ronnie K

P.S. The above words within 'tick-marks' may have different meanings to some.

Dec 25, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Unfinished Note to My Brother

Unfinished Note to My Brother


Ronnie K



(Before you begin reading this note my Brother, please know I am writing it not for you ... but for me.)

Dear Brother, for as long as I remember, I always wanted to be brothers with you ... as friends and pals ... even though you were 15 years older and I had no idea what being brothers meant except what I learned in movies and TV as a kid. It all seemed a wonderful possibility.

One thing I'm pretty certain about, we both had the same birth mother ... just not sure about our birth father(s) however ... the same or different.

And yes, at times, we did seem to connect (or unconnect) to each other as "brothers" ... but for "whatever" the reason ... we never connected with an emotional understanding and acceptance of the other ... and for sure we never connected as spiritual beings with understanding and acceptance of each other's visions.

Then there are your secrets ... the ones that continued to act as a wall between us ... over and over again. I often imagined what many of those little secrets were and still are tucked away in the corners of your mind.

But I've stopped using your secrets as excuses as to why we never connected and have moved on to acceptance and finally leaving "my denial" behind once and for all. Not an easy personal desire to let go of ... but necessary.

(this note to be continued ... or not?)

Jun 26, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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A Note to My Son

A Note to My Son


Ronnie K



Dear Son,
- I love you and care about you very much
- I love being your Dad
- I want to continue being your trusted friend too

- the mastery of life is knowing when to ask for help
- fear together with ego too often are the enemy of happiness

- and always remember this ...
... being loved starts with knowing and loving oneself
... the real and true self underneath it all

- you are an amazing and courageous human being
- so much more to share


P.S. thank you for listening

Jun 12, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Becoming Closer

Becoming Closer


Ronnie K



I believe one invites the opportunity ...
... to become "closer" to TheirGod
... by intentionally surrendering
... the importance of their presence
... in the physical "World of Action".

And begin transitioning through an unknown mystical portal ...
... to the "World of Formation" as a new observer of life.

May 31, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Together in Oneness and in Unity

Together in Oneness and in Unity


Ronnie K



As I listen to the Wisdom-of-My-Soul each day ...
... I practice my soul's revealed meaning to my life.

And as I practice my soul's revealed meaning to my life ...
... I am encouraged to live my life's purpose in community.

And when I live my life's purpose in community ...
... it is then I know I am One with MyGod.

And what is your practice?

There are many doors that open for those who knock ...
... and then step through so we can join hand-in-hand
... together in Oneness and in Unity.

And what door have you chosen?

Always with Love ...
... and always with Kindness.

May 22, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Something Like a Butterfly ...

Something Like a Butterfly ...


Ronnie K



I was recently asked ...
"How would you describe your personal transition ...
... to the new dimension of life you are now living?"

I thought for a moment and replied ...
"It was something like that of a butterfly ...
... transforming from a body with a Soul
... and becoming a Soul with a body."

And now you know too.

May 13, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Twist and Turns

Twist and Turns


Ronnie K



For me, life continues with its twists and turns.
But for sure, lots to be very grateful for ...
... and yet some things in my life don't seem to change.

I've invited "acceptance" into my world to join me ...
... so I might better understand those things that don't change
... and in some ways, it makes it all seem OK
... but sometimes it's hard work convincing myself.

Gratefully, I'm still appreciating the little things life offers ...
... like going outside to feed the birds early in the morning.

May 7, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Today, We Celebrate Our Mother

Today, We Celebrate Our Mother


Ronnie K



To my dear Mother Earth …
... a mother to us all.

Today, I am acknowledging your grandeur ...
... unconditionally.

Thank you my dear Mother Earth ...
... for the love you radiate out from your very heart and soul
… a love nourishing each one of your children
... every moment of our lives in amazing ways
… you are so appreciated.

And so today and every day ...
... I say from my heart to yours,
... “I love you.”

Apr 22, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Thank You

Thank You


Ronnie K



I feel my life's journey is almost complete ...
... even in all its incompleteness.

And to all my friends who I never knew ...
... and those friendly souls who tried
... perhaps you might remember me
... for a few moments we shared in life.

Yes, as time approaches dear friend(s) ...
... whoever you may be
... to tell you now
... in a loving way
"Thank You" for all that might have been.

Mar 16, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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All Alone ... Still

All Alone ... Still


Ronnie K



I've done so many things in my life ...
... had many valuable possessions
... and been to so many wonderful places
... and known and loved so many amazing souls.

Yet today, I have nothing that really matters to me ...
... nothing that really matters to me except perhaps my self
... and that my friend is a very lonely, lonely place to be
... knowing there is so much more I could have.

And yes, it hurts a lot to have no one to care for ...
... and no me who truly cares about me in this very moment.

All alone in a world of everything ...
... and yes, all alone still.

Mar 11, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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A Whole Different World

A Whole Different World


Ronnie K



I am now one week into starting my 77th year ...
... as Ronald R. Kaufman on planet Earth.

And for me, it's a whole different world today than the 1970s and 1980s ...
... when I was in my 30s and 40s
... still learning much of my education on life as an adult.

And now in my 70s, the realization that I needed to re-assess and re-adjust ...
... many of these learning from my past
... as "the-who" that I was, no longer felt comfortable to me
... allowing the possibility for Ronnie Kaufman
... to emerge with a new purpose in life
... a purpose of serving others.

Feb 19, 2023


from: My Moments of Awareness Collection

©2008-2023 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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