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 A place where there is no right or wrong ... 

 only "SilentKnowing" 

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A Delicate Balance

from my Moments of Awareness Collection



 A Delicate Balance

Without my thoughts of Yesterday's life journeys gone by ...
... and without my thoughts of Tomorrow's life journeys yet to come,
... my thoughts of Today in this very moment, would have a different meaning.

And all the while, I guide such thoughts to align with each other ...
... and to stay in harmony ... and to stay in balance
... in balance with the desires of my own HeartCenter.


Ronnie Kaufman

Ashland, OR

©2008-2021 Desert Ranch, LLC. All rights reserved

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Post Excerpt
A Delicate Balance
Without my thoughts of Yesterday's life journeys gone by ... ... and without my thoughts of Tomorrow's life journeys yet to come, ... my thoughts of Today in this very moment, would have a different meaning. And all the while, I guide such thoughts to align with each other ... ... and to stay in harmony ... and to stay in balance ... in balance with the desires of my own HeartCenter.
Garments of the Outer and Inner
I think there are some of Us who hope or believe that our Heart and Soul (who we are on the inside) can reflect in some or many ways, our outward appearance ... our face and hair and clothes and an unending list of "whatevers" ... that is, how we perceive how others perceive our outward appearance ... Our "Outside" defines our "Inside". So I say, the very first place to acknowledge who you are is on the physical level, take inventory ... then rate each of those inventoried items from 1-5 ... and notice which emotions that you connect to in the moment. a) Rate once for how it is for you and b) once for how you think others would rate it.
State of My Spirit
My declaration to all that know me ... "I am dedicating my 'daily-being' to 'participate' in making the world a 'better' place. This practice has become the 'State of My Spirit'. Feels very right ... with both purpose and meaning. Perhaps it's also about practicing the art of being ... ... each others 'angel' when there is an 'opportunity' to do so. Join me ... Ronnie K P.S. The above words within 'tick-marks' may have different meanings to some.
The Practice of Gratitude
For me, the path to Peace, Joy, and Love in my daily life ... ... is when I'm feeling Gratitude in my Heart Center. And as I genuinely share this practice of Gratitude ... ... with all those that come into my life each day ... I am nourished with purpose. And then to have others in my life ... ... who are also fulfilled by sharing their Gratitude ... adds to my SilentKnowing ... that all is well ... with purpose.
A Change on How You Connect
My own Dimensions of Personal Awareness have evolved these past few years to a mostly peaceful place of "SilentKnowing" ... for I have emotionally transformed in unknown and unexpected ways ... and along with it, my Dimension of Love Energy has grown in unexpected ways too. And now that I understand how a simple daily practice could transform and nourish me emotionally and spiritually and physically with a new and positive attitude shift ... and that it was not difficult ... I knew it was time to claim it as Truth. The practice is simply this ... Perform "Acts of LovingKindness" every day whenever the opportunity presents itself ... large or small ... and importantly, offer them to everyone ... and often ... and realistically. Within a short time, you'll begin to notice an almost mystical change on how you connect with the world ... and how you and other see the-who you have become.
A Continuum of Disconnected Thoughts
I want to build something Incredible ... ... with each step followed by another, ... followed by another, ... followed by another, ... until suddenly Incredible arrives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People need something to believe in ... ... and in this belief they want to feel safe, ... and they "feel safe" (not necessarily are safe) ... in how they understand and interpret the reality of their world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And based on the history of the spaceship we are passengers on ... ... a spaceship that was anointed 1000s of years ago as ... "Planet Earth" ... what has changed ... certainly not the reality we live in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is most definitely the intelligent beings living here, ... that determine the energy frequencies of Planet Earth, ... and importantly I ask, is the spectrum of this intelligence, large or small? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To me, intelligence has the 3 basic Energy Dimensions ... (to be continued)
A Daily Practice - Reconnecting
At each day start, I acknowledge and re-connect ... ... my HeartCenter and GodSoul to "MyGod" ... and feel the radiating love flow between them. And I bring this mystical connection with me throughout the day ... ... acting as my guiding star ... providing courage, lovingkindness, and compassion ... while nourishing me with Peace and Joy and Love. And when appropriate, I share this mystical connection ... ... with family, friends and strangers too ... every chance I can.
A Feeling of Falling
So why has fear of my chronic-sadness lasted almost all of my life? Now at age 73 … I can see so well with 20/20 hindsight ... I think it came from never being introduced ... the Frequency of LovingKindness growing up as a kid ..not even that there was such a thing as LovingKindness. And then I thought … ... “What caused this Sadness in the first place?” I already knew the answer before I even asked this question ... … “A fear of being all alone and not being connected to others … a feeling of falling with no end.” At times it felt impossible ... ... that I could ever pull myself out of from such a cosmic void. But that was then. … and this is now.
A FreeFalling Free-for-All
I find it quite disheartening that there is so much"spinning" of the Truth ... ... both from the politically Right and now the politically Left joining in. All I can say is I'm tired of all the "untruths" and "twisted-truths" ... ... truths that are allowed to be irresponsibly spewed to the public ... ... it's becoming harder and harder to breath in clean air and the freshness of truth. It feels like we have become a FreeFalling Free-for-All society ... ... with greed running loose in our government on all levels ... and the last time I checked ... there is still "no parachute" to break our fall. Perhaps, it's all about counting the money ... ... cause someone owns 3 hotels on Boardwalk ... ... oh, and if by chance ... and when there is time ... it's about taking care of the rest of us. A FreeFalling Free-for-All.
A Friend
One of the most precious things in life ... is a friend. And just as each of the petals of this rose ... ... together make it the beautiful flower that it has become … So too, do the wonderful qualities and virtues of who you are ... ... together make you a beautiful friend.
A Greeting Each Day
Just as we would like our children to greet us each day ... ... with both a "Good Morning" and a "Good Night". So too, it is true with our relationship between ... ... our HeartCenter and OurGod.
A More Important Question
So tell me friend ... At this very moment in time, which is more important to you? a) Your HeartCenter and GodSoul connection with yourself? b) Your HeartCenter and GodSoul connection with YourGod? c) Could they be the same?
A New Dimension of Learning
When you become aware ... ... that the outcome of your Acts of LovingKindness ... are a catalyst for future Learnings ... a new Dimension of Learning begins to blossom. Learn well from each Act preformed ... ... and evolve to yet another Dimension of Learning .. the Dimension of Being. "Learn the Lesson ... Live the Lesson ... Become the Lesson"
A New Freshness
It is these life challenging events we experience that gives us the opportunity to discover and become all we can be. And at last open our eyes and unchain ourselves from the anchors of our past ... as we begin to enjoy a new freshness of life.
A New Inner Self-Awareness
Today, I graciously acknowledge and fully recognize ... ... "the-who" that I have become, now serves me well ... and "the-who" I have been will no longer serve me. In 20/20 hindsight, I can clearly see how I have evolved ... ... evolved from a self-centered loving spirit ... ... to a loving spirit committed to be of service to others. I always thought of myself as a compassionate spirit ... ... a spirit that desired to be of service to others ... ... just never understood the humble practice of "surrender" ... of letting go of ego to accomplish this desire. Thank you, Hashem, for this transformational understanding. Thank you, Hashem, for adding to the wisdom of my soul.
A Note to My Son
Dear Son, - I love you and care about you very much - I love being your Dad - I want to continue being your trusted friend too - the mastery of life is knowing when to ask for help - fear together with ego too often are the enemy of happiness - and always remember this ... ... being loved starts with knowing and loving oneself ... the real and true self underneath it all - you are an amazing and courageous human being - so much more to share Love, Dad P.S. thank you for listening
A Nourishing Practice
Dear Friend ... I was just wondering how many of us can say ... "MyGod is with me ... ... when I awake ... during the day ... and when I sleep." And for some, there is a nourishing practice ... ... a practice of sharing with TheirGod ... an appreciation for their unique connection ... as this connection soothes the HeartCenter with SilentKnowing. And for some, when connecting with TheirGod ... ... it tunes their energy frequencies of ... Peace ... and Joy ... and Love. And most importantly and integral ... ... at being in tune with the energy frequency of ... Oneness.
A Personal Awareness
I have lived many different and significant life journeys. Yet I have lived the same life journey over and over again. How can that be? And today I will begin yet another journey with hopes it will bring a different outcome.
A Practice of Coexistence
A simple practice of coexistence with "the-All" ... ... for me starts with a practice of deep appreciation ... and deep respect for our dear Mother Earth I love ... with its myriads of incredible and amazing creations of all kinds ... creations that somehow keep those who practice, connected in Oneness. And by living in coexistence with "the-All" ... ... the very wonder and beauty of Life itself thrives ... as it nourishes my heart and soul with all its splendor. And each day is experienced in the SilentKnowing ... ... of Peace and Joy and Love.
A Practice of Silently Listening
When you are talking with someone, practice silently listening to their vibrational frequency of their HeartCenter in the moment. And once you tune into the frequency, listen to it internally and use it as an important element of your communication exchange with them ... because now you know their truth.
A Seeker
I have been and still am a seeker … ... but I have ceased asking the stars for answers. Instead, I have begun to listen to and trust ... ... the wisdom of my unique HeartCenter ... and the precious wisdom of my own divine GodSoul ... ... that is mine and mine alone.
A SilentKnowing Revealed
I heard many times over the years, this simple para-phrased thought ... "Don't judge another until you have walked in their shoes." And today I had a new awareness, a new realization about these words. Interesting that today I understood what these words meant to me throughout my life ... ... but today I also understood these words from the perspective of "the-who" I am today ... ... an understanding that included a fresh dimension of LovingKindness ... ... and was revealed to me as SilentKnowing. Baruch Hashem
A SilentKnowing is Born
When the Knower ... ... and the Knowing ... and the Known ... become One with each other, ... a new Peace emerges ... and radiates out from the HeartCenter. That's the moment a new SilentKnowing is born ... ... and united with the wisdom of one's GodSoul ... as the Dimension of SilentKnowing evolves ... once more.
A Vagabond First Class
How could I share love with someone ... ... if I didn't love myself? And how could I love myself ... ... if I didn't know who I was. Well, the time finally arrived when ... ... I stopped searching for "the-who" that I might be ... ... and accepted "the-who" that I was in that very moment ... ... and began to love myself with a SilentKnowing.
A Very Brutal Companion
The mind can be a very brutal companion sometimes.
A Way to Wisdom
Stop trying to figure things out ... ... or what would be the right words to say ... or what you should do next. Instead, learn to silence your mind and trust the Wisdom of your GodSoul ... and listen with ears of LovingKindness (Hesed). Now practice trusting your GodSoul ... and listen to the "SilentKnowing".
A Whole Different World
I am now one week into starting my 77th year ... ... as Ronald R. Kaufman on planet Earth. And for me, it's a whole different world today than the 1970s and 1980s ... ... when I was in my 30s and 40s ... still learning much of my education on life as an adult. And now in my 70s, the realization that I needed to re-assess and re-adjust ... ... many of these learning from my past ... as "the-who" that I was, no longer felt comfortable to me ... allowing the possibility for Ronnie Kaufman ... to emerge with a new purpose in life ... a purpose of serving others.
A Wise Woman
It's not the beauty of her face my friend ... Nor the beauty of her eyes. But the beauty of her soul my friend ... That makes a woman wise.
Acceptance and Faith and Tomorrows
I am finally ready to accept 'What is, is ...' ... that letting go of the thoughts that once were ... is the only way to move on in my life ... and grateful for the most difficult lessons ... life has ever taught me. And I have faith in the reality of what lies ahead for me ... and has been patiently waiting to welcome me home. It's the right thing to do ... and to start my fresh tomorrows, today.
Action and Words
Action and words go hand in hand ... ... And all good love is so free. But remember ... Action speaks louder than words ... ... And that's how love should be.
All Aboard
I'd like to buy 1 ticket to "Anywhere" please ... ... except I don't know exactly where "Anywhere" is. Yes ... a one way ticket for sure ... or maybe not. I'm not even sure if I'd like "Anywhere" ... but I hope I do. I hear "Anywhere" has everything I'll need ... ... it might even have a "me" I'd like to get to know. All Aboard ... Track 12 ... Now leaving for "Anywhere". All Aboard ...
All Alone ... Still
I've done so many things in my life ... ... had many valuable possessions ... and been to so many wonderful places ... and known and loved so many amazing souls. Yet today, I have nothing that really matters to me ... ... nothing that really matters to me except perhaps my self ... and that my friend is a very lonely, lonely place to be ... knowing there is so much more I could have. And yes, it hurts a lot to have no one to care for ... ... and no me who truly cares about me in this very moment. All alone in a world of everything ... ... and yes, all alone still.
All in Peace
I prayed this morning ... ... to let me be ... to let me know ... and to let me love. All in Peace ... All in Peace.
Alone. All alone. All alone again. All alone again with tears in my eyes. All alone again with tears in my eyes once more. All alone again with tears in my eyes. All alone again. All alone. Alone. Still.
Am I Truly Satisfied
The most important attribute in every relationship ... ... as to whether it is successful or not ... is of course, how well you communicate with others ... and importantly with yourself too. Now, to be aware, during each of the unique dimensions of your personal life ... ... the methods of communication with your relationships of all kinds ... have changed (or not) based upon your life experiences. Ask yourself ... ... "Am I truly satisfied with how my communications work in my life ... with the outside world ... and just as important, communication with myself." Only you have the answer.
And I Call MyGod, "Hashem"
You likely have your own name for YourGod ... ... most do. And there are those who will ask me ... ... "So just what is Hashem?" And I have a very simple answer to share with them. And yes, of course there is much more to tell ... ... but a simple answer is really all that is needed. Simply put ... Hashem is ... "PEACE and JOY and LOVE". For me, what else do I need to comfort my Heart ... ... and to comfort my Soul at the same time? Perhaps YourGod means ... ... these very same things to you as well. "PEACE and JOY and LOVE".
And Love More
They say "Love is the answer" ... So why then do we still find so many questions left to ask? Perhaps we need to ask less questions ... ... and Love more.
And Please Know ...
My Dear Kathleen and Stephen, Please know I am grateful to you each ... ... and I truly appreciate my 'safe-living-work-space' ... as this space allowed me to be a free spirit evolving ... to a new and fresh 'life dimension' that I've entered. May the coming New Year bring you each ... ... 'worthy' journeys of light ... ... and experience a fresh awakening, ... to a new kind of Peace and Joy and Love ... as it graciously nourishes your hearts and souls. Ronnie K
And the Buddha Replied
I asked the Buddha today ... "How old will I be when I die?" And the Buddha smiled and replied ... "As old as you need to be." I remained silent for several seconds before I sincerely asked the next question ... "As old as I need to be what?" This time, the Buddha only gently smiled at me ... and after a few moments, I found myself smiling back ... with a "SilentKnowing" ... and my question answered ... "As old as I need to be."
Another Day ...
I am convinced that today is the 1st day of the rest of my life. And so it will be tomorrow as well ... ... and the next day and the next ... the 1st day of the rest of my life ... again and again, etc, etc. Another 1st day ... ...with the opportunity to share Joy and Hope and Love. Another 1st day. Thank God, another 1st day. Yes, another 1st day to say, "I Love You". And here's to 1st days.
Any Kind of Sign
Have you ever prayed for a "Sign" ... "Give me a Sign Lord ... any kind of Sign." But the Sign never comes. Is it possible that just maybe a Sign did come ... ... and perhaps you just did not recognize it ... .. because it was a Sign to something else entirely different.
Any Purpose?
Is there really any purpose to it all? What difference will it make in what I do and feel in a thousand years ... ... or a hundred years .... .. or even just one year? But what about a purpose for this very moment in time ... ... and the next moment ... and the next? You choose? I did.
As the Next Truth is Born
Yesterday ... Today ... Tomorrow. Are they perhaps all the same... ... but with a different set of truths ... truths that all evolve ... from a beginning-truth ... and then to another-truth ... but NEVER to a final-truth. Because there is always ... ... Today ... and always Tomorrow ... once more ... as the next truth is born.
Ask Yourself
"How do I manage my time ... ... for taking precious moments during the day ... precious moments just for me ... and to deeply breathe in the Light of MyGod ... as it brings Peace and Joy and Love to MySoul ... all with the mystical energies of Wisdom and Love?"
Awaiting My Arrival
I have died many deaths with yet another awaiting my arrival. What will I do differently until then? Maybe to humbly serve others and nourish the "Joy" as I do. But then I ask ... "Does anybody really care?" And what about you?
Balance Between Inclinations
What are the ways to keep the "Yetzer Ra" (EgoCenter) ... ... and the "Yetzer Tov" (HeartCenter) in check and balance ... with each other and with the Godsoul? One way is to practice healthy emotional dialogue between the two.
Balancing 2 Powerful Desires
Which desires guide me in my day-to-day life choices? The Desires of the Physical ... Service to Self - the desire to be accepted and admired by other humans - the desire for nourishing myself with personal pleasures. or The Desires of the Spiritual ... Service to Others - the desire to be accepted and admired by other souls - the desire to offer compassionate nourishment to all. I have made my choice ... and you?
Be the Light
Be the Light of Peace. Be the Light of Joy. Be the Light of Love. Be the Light of YourGod Be the Light … Be the light.
Because There's Always Tomorrow
I have learned to trust the Universe and know it will do what is best for me ... cause that's what the universe does ... ... and have learned to accept the outcomes it provides ... ... just because there is always tomorrow ... ... with new lessons learned about what trust is about. Now I trust, taking one step at a time.
Becoming Closer
I believe one invites the opportunity ... ... to become "closer" to TheirGod ... by intentionally surrendering ... the importance of their presence ... in the physical "World of Action". And begin transitioning through an unknown mystical portal ... ... to the "World of Formation" as a new observer of life.
Becoming One with God
LEARN life's lessons and explore God's ways. LIVE the lessons and discover meaning in God's ways. BECOME the lessons and awaken to God's ways. ... Becoming One with God
Between Lovers
Lots of physical passion is exchanged between lovers ... and sometimes even love. Yes ... and sometimes even love.
Beyond Mastery
Learn it ... Yes, learn it. Live it ... Yes, and live it. Become it. Yes become it! And now you have gone Beyond Mastery. So it is ... And it is so.
Beyond My Abilities
I used to think I would liked to have experienced ... ... more adventures during my life journey. But now looking back on it all ... ... am well aware I had gone well beyond my actual inherent abilities ... which over the years, provided me an on again/off again euphoric rush. And now I accept the true reality of my life ... ... that I am but a simple human-being ... who has grown to appreciate God's simple offerings. "As it has been concealed ... so it has now been revealed." - Zohar And now I smile with gratitude from my HeartCenter and say, "Baruch Hashem".
Black Lives Matter
"I'm not sure where this road leads ... But I'm sure if I just keep on goin ... I'll get there just the same." And you ... will you keep on goin? But then, what else is there to do? "Black Lives Matter!"
Chance to Be Reborn
Last night I sat out on my small patio and looked up at the stars as I reflected on what I discussed with my doctor earlier in the afternoon. The first thought that went through my mind when I saw the Little Dipper was wonder if I had ever been there in a previous existence. Then the reality of the solution to correct my heart issues was next in line ... heart bypass. I am so very grateful as I know this is an opportunity ... ... an opportunity that offers me the chance to be reborn ... to be the caterpillar that comes out a butterfly. I am ready to fly again, no make that soar ... ... with a fresh awareness of life.
Change ... the Unending Constant of Life
For some Change means "pain and the unknown". And for some Change offers both the "Known along with the Unknown". There are those who acknowledge that Change is a major component to the equation of life ... just as they acknowledge and prepare for the change of the four seasons. For some, Change is an unexpected component in the calculation of every day living. What would we do without Change, the unending constant of life.
Connecting to the Cosmos
So many want to connect to the cosmos ... ... when they have yet to learn to connect with "pure-self".
Connection with SilentKnowings
Dear Ones ... For those Spirits who are ready, the time is upon us ... ... in this very moment for your Heart and Soul to unfold ... to yet another life-dimension with fresh eyes without judgement ... by connecting to those around you in the SilentKnowing of ... Peace and Joy and Love. Yes, the time is upon each of us ... right now. Are you ready? I've begun.
Been searching and searching all my life ... ... for other humans that I could communicate with ... ... on a HeartCenter to HeartCenter and GodSoul to GodSoul "connectiveness". Why I never found such a "connectiveness"? ... The only reason I can think of is because it frightened me ... Maybe if I understood what "connectiveness" was about back then ... it would have been different. Where do I go next for the possibility of "connectiveness" ... perhaps a deeper reality now awaits me through my desires and actions of sincerely "serving" others ... and I am grateful for this possibility awaiting me ... " .
Conversation with Hashem
Hashem ... I must clear this from my mind and say it out loud. "In this very moment, I am feeling very hurt and often sink into deep emotional pain and angst." I’d like to scream sometimes something mean and nasty as loud as I can ... ... except that’s not who I am, and likely won’t make me feel much better. But I think I will scream anyway when I get done writing this. It’s so difficult when someone that you want to feel free to love ... ... does not want to love you back ... for "whatever" reason. I understand a little bit more now … and maybe I’ve always understood ... … but just not willing to accept "it" as a truth. It has just been very hard to accept things for what they really are ... … and not get confused with how I hoped they’d be. It just hurts ... and I'm moving on once more ... again. Now to breathe ... just breathe ...
Demons Be Gone
Who are these dark and destructive demons ... ... and where do they come from? Have you known them too? Demons, you can knock as much as you like ... ... but you can no longer enter. The door has now been sealed ... ... sealed until the end of time. "Demons ... Be Gone!"
Destinations and Journeys
Without a destination .... there can be no journey. ... And without a journey, life has no meaning. ... And without meaning, life has no joy. My next destination is to a place that welcomes me home. What's yours?
Down to Earth
The more I grew to know things ... the hungrier I became for more knowledge ... as I realized how little I knew. But now I realize, it's time to come back down to Earth ... ... and stop my deep hunger for knowledge ... ... and instead nourish a deep hunger in my heart-spirt for living life with love.
Ein Sof
I believe in "MyGod". Do you have your own "MyGod" too? But just what is "YourGod"... ... could you articulate and describe some attributes of "YourGod"? How can so many have their very own "MyGod" ... ... all quite unique and personalized just for them. And yet, if followed ... ... they all ultimately reveal the same "OneGod" ... "Ein Sof".
Energy Frequencies of the Universe
It is time to learn to harness the energy frequencies of the Universe ... ... and give man-kind new meaning and understanding to life itself ... ... and the opportunity to evolve into Oneness.
Engaged in "Tikkun Olam"
I have peace of mind with the "SilentKnowing" that when I do pass-on ... ... whether it be tomorrow or in 20 years from now ... ... my "GodSoul" will continue on ... ... and will return to our planet once more engaged in "Tikkun Olam" (repairing the world). And this "SilentKnowing" pleases me and brings with it a purpose to my life at this very moment in time.
Evolution of Human Spirit
One purpose of GodSoul is to guide HumanSpirit ... ... until GodSoul is no longer essential in the evolution of HumanSpirit ... and now HumanSpirit begins to nourish GodSoul. When HumanSpirit becomes free from EgoCenter's controlling ways ... ... it begins to achieve vibrational harmony with GodSoul ... a harmony that acts as a connector with GodSource. Freeing can emerge with the daily practice of meditating ... ... when both HumanSpirit with GodSoul become One. And most importantly, with the daily practice of sharing LovingKindness ... ... with everyone and everything ... cultivating SilentKnowing.
Fear of Not Evolving
I have chosen to stay too comfortable in my comfort zone ... ... fearful that I won't evolve if I step out of it. Truth be told ... ... I'll never evolve unless I leave my comfort zone ... and without looking back.
Feel the Love
Don't be blind to the opposition. And don't let the opposition blind you from enjoying your life the "best you can." Just keep in mind, as the "best you can" changes ... ... always enjoy the "best you can" ... and "Feel the Love".
Filtering Rays of Memories
Memories … what are they made of? ... ... Dreams of the past ... those thoughts in my mind ... that just seem to last and last. Precious moments I will never have again ... ... those precious moments ... when you and I were friends. The times we were together ... ... it's all now but a dream ... as I wake up each morning to an empty room ... filled with memories of you ... ... and filtering rays of Sunbeams.
For Some Individuals
Unknowingly or knowingly, for some individuals ... ... TheirGod is the god of their EGO ... service to self. Unknowingly or knowingly, for some individuals ... ... TheirGod is the god of their Heart and Soul ... service to others. Unknowingly or knowingly, for most individuals ... ... their relationship to TheirGod lies somewhere in between ... sometimes in harmony and sometimes in dissention ... between themselves and the world that surrounds them. God of Ego ... or God of Heart and Soul ... ... the choice is always yours.
Frequencies of Global Consciousness
Living life fully and with meaning ... starts by living life as "the-who" you were born as ... your divine essence of self. And when you do ... your personal energy frequency also begins to recalibrate to include the frequencies of Global Consciousness.
From the Ground-Up
It is when positive change in our global world starts from the ground-up ... that our global community can heal ... can nourish itself ... can give life meaning ... filled with joy and love. The chronic top-down approach at making our world a better place, since the beginning of recodrded time, has repeatedly failed again and again. But then it depends on whose definition of "a better world" you use.
Get Out of the way
Not to just listen to what the Universe is telling you ... ... But to get out of its way and let it happen. Try it ... "Let Go ... and let God".
Gifts from God
For me, tomorrows are always special gifts from God ... ... and I will always be grateful for them and look forward to the possibilities and unexpected discoveries they offer. And then be witness to what and how I can share such possibilities and discoveries with all those I meet that day ... … with both those I know … and strangers too.
Giving Up Fear
I am giving up the power that fear has over me ... ... on the important choices I make in life. I am replacing this fear ... ... with the understanding of trust ... the wisdom of acceptance ... and the feeling of peace. Always in gratitude. Always in love.
GodSoul Awareness
And once you have awareness of your GodSoul ... ... follow it wisely and openly ... allow it to guide you on amazing journeys ... with with each GodSoul in the world on a different mission ... yet together all working toward achieving the same mission .. World Peace ... overflowing with Love and Harmony for everyone.
Good Morning Sunshine
As I sit on a hilltop and meditate facing east, I feel the warmth of the early morning sun on my face as it rises above the horizon and I say out loud ... "Good Morning Sunshine. There is no-one more dependable than you. Thank you for nourishing my HeartCenter with Hope, Trust, and LovingKindness."
Have a Blast
Thoughts I shared with my son today ... ... "Take life seriously ... ... but have a blast livng it."
How Do You Nourish Your HumanSpirit?
Tell me please, "Why do so many of us... ... crave to watch multimedia of all kinds ... movies - TV - social media - news ... when so many know, that for the most part, ... participating in such activity is too often damaging to the HumanSpirit ... as it alters the vibrational frequency of Love. Why?
How Many?
How many have I loved? ... How many have I lost? Yet, I have not shared Love with even one ... ... but for a few moments in time. For how could I share Love with another ... ... when I've never really experienced what Love is. And so how many have I lost? ... ... Maybe none at all.
How Oneness Can Blossom
There are three distinct dimensions we human-beings occupy ... ... Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. And each dimension continually changing according to it's own needs ... ... with each dimension affecting the others. And please note ... ... each dimension has its own meaning to the emotion of Love. And when these three meanings are in harmony ... Oneness blossoms.
How many of us?
How many of us are there ... ... seemingly trapped in an endless void of "Emotional Loneliness" ... ... with noplace to turn to ease our pain? And you?
I Had Hoped ...
For most of my life ... ... I had hoped my life accomplishments would end up ... ... "much differently" than they have. I was sure my dear heart's desires would eventually find me ... ... and come knocking on my door. But I now realize that "much differently" ... ... was an impossible fairy-tale which I imagined ... dreams that remained intangible dreams dangling in front of my eyes ... dreams that led me to a destination called "no-wheresville." And here I am today, with a SilentKnowing ... ... that "much differently" is exactly where I find myself today ... a place that up until now ... I never knew what it was about or that it even exited ... to be at peace and to be in harmony with "the-who" I have become ... in my HeartCenter and with my GodSoul to guide me. Baruch Hashem
I Like "the-who" I Am Today
I like "the-who" I am today. And this means today I am appreciative of all my life experiences ... some very pretty nice while they lasted ... some were pretty lonely ... and some were emotionally painful. But here I am today, appreciating the past as just that, the past ... and living as a transformed human in a new and fresh Dimension of Personal Awareness ... with a frequency of Trust.
I Wanna Say ....
I wanna say “I love You”, but I don’t even know you. I wanna say “I care”, cause I really do. I wanna say “I need you” like nothing else matters. I wanna say these words, cause I’m wanting you. Time will let it happen, Yes I believe that it can happen. Time will let it happen cause it just has to be. Time will let it happen cause that’s what time does. Time will let it happen as it sets our hearts free. 3/28/07
I Will Never
I've come to realize all the things I will never be or have. I will never play center field for the Chicago Cubs ... ... nor own a yacht to live on ... or drive a 911 Porche Targa. I will never know my great grandchildren ... ... nor be a guest on the Johnny Carson Show. But what I will always be and have ... is the satisfaction of just being me.
If I Knew Then ...
Today I asked myself ... ... "If I knew 'then' ... what I know now... when would 'then' be?" The answer came quickly ... "When I first met her." (this 1970 picture of her recently showed up ... OMGosh!)
Imaginary Love
Many, many years ago, was the first time my heart was broken ... ... and I remember how I thought I was going to die. It was years later I realized ... ... what I thought was complete love ... was only my imagination that made it so ... and this love was never real to anyone ... except in my dreams. But then how could it be real ... ... when all I believed way back then ... ... was that great physical love ... is what made a relationship work. I'm glad I grew up.
In a Million Years - Serenity
Why not Serenity today? Why Not? Why NOT I ask? Perhaps ... Maybe? "Serenity, oh Serenity ... Where art thou sweet Serenity?" I ask yet again? "Where?"
Is this All There Is?
"You don't know what you don't know." And what you do know is all you have to choose from as your life journey continues on each day. And one day, you find yourself asking ... "Is this all there is?" Just perhaps it time to leave your comfort zone and explore.
Jedi Secrets for My Son, Jake
Become aware and practice these Power Energy Frequencies when needed: - the Frequency of Appreciation - the Frequency of Openness - the Frequency of Worthiness - the Frequency of Compassion - the Frequency of Trusting And the most important ... - the Frequency of LovingKindness
Let Us Unify Our Strengths
Dear Friends of my Past ... my Present ... and Friends yet to Be. Just perhaps ... ... it is time for each of Us ... and all of Us ... ... to find and acknowledge each other ... ... and unify our strengths ... ... in our common pursuit to live and maintain our own absolute Truths ... Truths that continually evolve. And together, let Us join in Unity as One.
Life Experiences
Our life experiences creates for us ... ... our life lessons that we use to guide our journey. The wisdom of the lesson may appear immediately ... ... or the wisdom of the lesson may take years and years to appear .. or maybe even never. But most importantly ... it's what you actively do with these lessons ... ... that defines where you are along your life journey.
Listen to Their Wisdom Song
When you are having a conversation with another ... ... listen to the "Wisdom Song" they sing without feeling a need to interrupt ... so you can be to be heard ... and to correct. For this is their truth ... ... feel their truth ... feel their light ... with no right or wrong ... just the Wisdom Song of their HeartCenter ... and to graciously acknowledge their words.
Live Life to Love
I don't want to live life to just be happy ... ... I want to live life to be happy ... ... and share my Joy. I don't want to live life to just be one with MyGod ... ... I want to be One with MyGod ... ... and know MyGod is One with me. I don't want to live life to just live ... ... I want to live life with compassion ... ... and share my Love with all.
Living in the Now
"That was then, this is now." But what does that mean? It's been a long and challenging journey for me ... ... but I finally am living in the "Now" without the "Then". I welcome this new and amazing awareness ... an awareness of what "Now" means to me every day of my life. And with this new "SilentKnowing" ... ... living each day with appreciation ... appreciation of the divine essence of "the-who" I have been all along.
Lonely for a Hug
Yesterday afternoon while walking along Lithia Creek in the drizzling rain, I felt so lonely for a hug ... ... so I hugged a tree for several seconds. And when done I told it “Thanks”. It remained silent. But I knew a wonderful energy exchange had just taken place.
Love's Friend
Love … have you no beginning? Love … have you no end? So many have known you ... yet there are so many hearts left to mend. Some have known you many times ... while others but once. To some, you are hard to find ... while to others you are in abundance. I always wanted Love as my friend ... I thought of it that way. To have Love as my friend ... and be happy every day. It’s taken me such a long time to realize why this had not come true. Because I found Love needed me as a friend ... I found Love needs friends too.
Makes Life a Good Thing
Having a Trusted Life Partner ... ... to enjoy and share God's beauty and love with everyday ... ... makes life a very good thing.
Master Your Past Life Events
Many are plagued with "difficult" emotional experiences from past life events ... unprocessed emotions stuffed away ... emotions desperately longing to be heard and set free. And know that each person's "difficult" is unique ... and yet so similar to that of others. Consider this ... When you look back in time at difficult life events ... be prepared not to see the past with the same emotional understanding as the who you were back then ... and not with the same mindset that was still exploring what emotions were about. But instead, understand the past through the evolved mindset of who you are today. Together with the awakened wisdom of you HeartCenter ... and with your own GodSoul you have learned to trust ... find "positive" take-aways from those difficult life events ... and importantly ... a reason to be grateful. Because now you can master your past life events with new Emotional Dimensions of Understanding as to what the past was really all about for you. And now onward my friend, as the future awaits us once more ...
Meaning in My Life
I finally realized there was no end to the often lonely pursuit ... ... the pursuit of finding the meaning in my life … meaning that I had been searching for as long as I can remember … and now have finally stopped. But what I found instead was something so much more incredible. You see, each morning when I wake ... ... I feel grateful that my GodSoul has been restored to my body … and for the opportunity I will have that day ... to share love and joy with family and friends … and most important with the strangers too I meet along the way. And please know, most days I am successful. And please know, most days I now have meaning in my life.
Memories ... Dreams of the Past
I think Barbra Streisand said it best ... "Memories ... like the corners of our mind." From what I know we all experience wonderful dreams ... ... dreams of the beautiful times from our past ... ... some real and some imaginary ... I know I certainly do. Dreams as only we can remember them ... ... times gone by that we wish would last and last. Yet sooner or later we all must open our eyes ... and face the reality ... ... "That was then ... and this is now." And always remember to be grateful for all those memories ... ... memories that still come to us when we call to them ... ... of what we once experienced ... of what was once ours. And smile from the inside out ... and say out loud ... ... "Thank You Universe ... Thank You". And get ready for tomorrow ... ... or soon it will be today.
Mind, Body and Soul in Balance
Getting one's mind, body and Human-Soul in balance ... ... and keeping it there ... ... is an on going process ... ... as the balance required overtime ... ... is constantly changing.
Miracle Grow
Early this morning I was in my small patio planting two tomato plants while listening to quieting and soothing music as it softly played on my iPad ... and listening to the birds sweetly sing along adding to the serenity. As I was adding a little Miracle Grow to the tomatoes to give them a life boost, I remembered when there have been times in my life that I needed a little Miracle Grow too ... guess that's what friends are for.
Morning Mantra and Prayer
I found myself saying this mantra over and over ... ... during my morning mediations and prayers. "Nourish my HeartCenter and GodSoul with love and joy" ... "Nourish my HeartCenter and GodSoul with love and joy" ... "Nourish my HeartCenter and GodSoul with love and joy."
Mourner's Kaddish this Sunday
Dear Rabbi; Yes, It is my desire to be there on Sunday supporting the mourner ... ... and this beautiful ritual of remembrance of loved ones who have passed. For me, it is also a remembrance time for myself ... ... of “the who” that I was and “the who” I am right now in my life … and where I am along this personal life journey of Tikkun Olam … a journey of Tikkun Olam that first began “repairing” me. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to the mourner. Baruch Hashem
My Awareness Frequency
My Awareness Frequency is broadened ... ... when I discuss and listen openly and with no judgement ... to ideas and thoughts within a gathering of Friends.
My Butterfly
Raspberry drops and lemonade ... ... These are things I’d surely trade. To see that smile upon your face ... ... And hold you in a warm embrace. Then kiss your lips so tenderly ... ... Then turn you loose and set you free. With hopes that you’d come back to me.
My Final Desire
I decided today that my final desire in life would be this ... To share my stories about my quest to achieve each of my heart's desires ... ... desires shared through my body ... desires shared through my mind .. and desires shared through my GodSoul. All this, so I can meet and truly appreciate "the-who" I have become today.
My Imaginary Friend
Lips to fire that lady had, lips of the fire that burned. She left her brand upon my heart, ... with a kiss goodbye, she’ll never return. Those last few days we spent together, ... I knew things were coming to an end. For soon she would no longer be my lover, ... but just an imaginary friend. Lips to fire that lady had, lips of the fire that burned. She left her brand upon my heart, ... with a kiss goodbye, she’ll never return.
My Own Master
And as my way of thinking has evolved over and over again through the years ... so too has my way of living life evolved ... as who I am. And now joyfully recognize the precious journey called Life I have traveled ... that I was always my own Master along each step I took. Always in Oneness … Always in Peace ... Always with LovingKindness.
My Practice
I will enjoy today as if it were my last ... ... and then the next day ... and the next after that. And sometimes getting past the day is difficult ... ... and sometimes getting past the day is filled with joy. And each day, I engage in what awaits me ... ... to the best I am able. And sometimes ... that even means doing nothing at all. Now you know ... "My Practice"
My Purpose ... My Meaning
Before I can know my "true" purpose and know my "true" meaning for my life ...I first must know who I am ... and who I am not ... or do I? Cause maybe there is no "true" purpose or meaning in life other than the one we choose for ourselves. Did you choose yet?
My Spiritual Elixir - LovingKindness
"Gratitude" and "Trust" are two virtues of mine I cherish dearly. And I know by nourishing theses powerful virtues ... nourishing them through a daily practice ... of unconditional acts of LovingKindness ... with family and friends ... and stranger too ... my HeartCenter will be strengthened ... with the precious nourishment ... of Peace and Joy and Love. My spiritual elixir ... LovingKindness.
My Stillness
I have been told ... "Find the safe and comforting space of your stillness." Yet I have been still for so long now ... ... yes very still. And in this exact moment ... ... that's all I have left ... my "stillness". Guess I should be grateful ... ... as there are many who don't have "stillness". And yes ... I am grateful for mine. But it feels so very lonely here ... ... perhaps a shift may be coming. Blessings to you Friend, blessings.
My Thoughts About Aging
When I found myself passing through to a new dimension of life ... ... I became appreciative in ways I never imagined ... appreciative for all I'd experienced on my many life journeys ... and importantly, appreciative of both the good and the difficult times as well. And over the course of my life ... ... I moved from a dimension of "learning" ... ... then to a dimension of "living" what I'd learned ... and finally to a dimension of "becoming" what I'd lived. And it is this dimension of "becoming" when a new meaning to my life was revealed. I realized the concept of always "learning-something-new" will live forever ... and asked myself the question, "When would enough learning ... be enough?" It was when I took a step back to answer this question ... ... and acknowledged and trusted my own SilentKnowing. I clearly understood that "when" ... would simply be "when". At that very moment, I knew that Peace, and Joy and Love ... ... would always be mine the rest of my days.
Needs ... Wants ... Desires
Tell me my friend ... When do selfishless "needs", "wants", and "desires" ... ... morph into selfish ones ... when? And what determines whether something is selfishless ... ...or whether something is selfish anyway ... what?
No Trust
As I look back at myself as a kid growing up ... ... mostly living my days alone in a protective bubble ... a protective bubble my parents surrounded me with. And when going outside that bubble, I trusted no one ... ... and protected myself with a thick imaginary wall from unknown dangers ... thus the beginning of my self-imposed isolation.
Nothing to Show
When you've won 1st prize so many times ... But now you've nothing to show. How should you feel, what do you say, As this empty feeling starts to grow. Why go and win another race? Why go and win again? For the glory of it all you say, But tomorrow will still come to an end.
Nourish My Heart and Soul
I use to pray to God ... ... "Heal my heart, heal my soul." Now I pray to God ... ... "Nourish my heart, nourish my soul."
Nourishing Your Heart
To heal your heart, nourish it through prayer by connecting your GodSoul with the source energy of GodSource. And as this practice of nourishing your HeartCenter continues, you begin living life in peace ... ... and in Oneness with God.
Nourishing Your HeartCenter with Love
Practice harmony and balance between your GodSoul ... ... and your HeartCenter through meditation. This practice opens a spiritual connection for nourishing your HeartCenter ... ... with the GodSource energy of Love.
Nourishment of Unconditional Love
For me, what continues to make 'life' 'worth' 'connecting-to' ... is the possibility of 'giving and receiving' ... ... the 'nourishing-energy' of 'unconditional-love'. 'Sweet-thoughts' 'worthwhile' 'enjoying'.
Number One Desire
My number one desire for planet Earth is simply this: Re-calibrate Earth's frequencies to a setting that revitalizes and strengthens the "frequency-set" of LovingKindness ... for all, and with all. And when these vibrational frequencies are present ... we each will experience an inner Oneness with our GodSoul ... creating a global consciousness for all to share ... "SilentKnowing".
On My Planet
On my planet, people are never hateful to one another. Why? Because on my planet ... ... we know when we compassionately take care of one another ... ... it’s for the well-being and serenity of our planet ... ... and serenity of us all.
On That Day of Passing
If I should be judged on my day of "passing" ... What would I like it to be based on? Perhaps on what I did and accomplished in my life? ... or perhaps on the wisdom I gained during my many life journeys? ... or maybe even the person ... "the-who" I became? ... or something entirely different? Which one would I choose? Which one? I choose all of the above please ... ... on that day of passing.
One thing for sure ...
The journey I thought my life would take me on ... ... and the journey I have experienced thus far are light-years apart. In hindsight, it's easy for me to say ... "Thank You" Universe for all the many challenging and difficult life lessons you provided ... and for being so patient with me​. But the journey certainly was never easy ... ... and at times, it was emotionally debilitating, right from the get-go. Over and over, I experienced the pain from an "emotional-void" in my life. This may sound silly, but as a kid I had no name to call this feeling of "emotional-void" ... ... and I thought, "That's just how it is." ... like it or not. Today, I deeply appreciate how my awareness and understanding ... ... of Life and Love and Compassion have transformed from the "the-who" I was ... to "the-who" I am in this very moment ... and then the next ... and the next ... always with an ever evolving Dimensions of Personal Awareness.
Oneness with God-Source
Everything eventually comes to an end ... Everything. Yet Everything is part of the continuum of Time ... the Oneness of us all ... Eternal. Thus the very Essence of how we live our lives ... is always in Oneness with God-Source.
Or Is It?
As I practice my awareness of Gratitude each day ... ... I nourish my Heart and Soul ... with the Joy of Peace and Love. And so it is ... or is it?
Our Enemy by Definition
Their mission in life is to destroy anyone and everyone who does not conform to their standards of right and wrong and good and bad.
Peace and Harmony
You will enjoy true peace and harmony with your GodSoul ... but only when you free your own true divine-self and know who it is. Peel back the layers of "shoulds and shouldn'ts" that have been taught to you ... rules that have been smothering the very divine HumanSpirit you were created as. Embrace your true divine-self ... and be all you can be.
Phantom Personas
How could I ever believe in myself ... ... when I never knew exactly who I was? And if I didn't know exactly who I was ... ... then how could I ever truly love myself? And if I couldn't love myself ... ... then how could I ever truly love someone else ... and hope that they could love me back ... how? Yes, it continues being a challenging journey finding me ... ... and perhaps I'm getting closer ... perhaps ... finding the real me under all the many phantom personas ... personas I've lived at one time or another in my life. And it's been a long and difficult journey at that ... ... prying loose all those persona masks. And for now those masks are gone ... and here I am today ... as I'm discovering the next who I might become ... an ever evolving someone I do want to believe in ... and someone who I do want to love. So once again I ask myself ... "Who am I?" ... and now I simply say ... "I am."
Practice of Acceptance
I am perplexed at this very moment as to ... What’s good ... and what's bad. All I know is ... “What is, is” ... And right now I don't like "What is" one bit. Except that it offers me the important practice of Acceptance ... ... acceptance of "what I can not in change."
Purpose of Soul Whispering
To immerse our very Being into a new life paradigm that connects our HeartCenter and GodSoul in harmony and compassion to a life dimension guided by Peace and Joy and Love by trusting ourself to trust OurGod.
Questions to Ponder
When you know the answers ... won't you tell me? 1. Where is the "wonder" found in life today? 2. When do your prayers come alive? 3. What's the difference between caring about someone ... and loving someone? 4. What is the difference between Intelligence and Knowledge And finally the 50 point bonus question ... 5. What's the difference between the Sefirot of: ... Wisdom (Chokhmah) ... Understanding (Binah) . ... Knowledge (Da'at)
Quieting My Fears
Sometimes I choose to meditate to quiet my fears ... ... fears causing an uneasy feeling in my HeartCenter. And when I quiet these fears ... ... an opportunity arises ... ... a joyful feeling of Peace and Oneness with Ein Sof ... ... as it soon blossoms with an inner smile ... ... and a SilentKnowing that all is OK once more.
Reality of Reality
Just listened to the words from this Rod McKuen song, "I'm at Peace", from 1974. Do you know of him? I heard the words of this song reflect how I feel about "the-who" that I am in this moment of time ... ... because mostly "I am at peace" ... ... with a continuing acceptance of the "Reality of Reality" ... ... and a lost passion for denying "What-will-never-be". Yes, the time is getting "closer" ... and being at peace with the "Reality of Reality" adds SilentKnowing to my HeartCenter ... and makes it so. Baruch Hashem
Right Answers - Right Questions?
Perhaps it's not that you aren't offering the right answers ... ... perhaps you aren't answering the right questions. And how do you know if you are answering the right questions?
River of Tears
While listening to Dianna Krall sing "Cry Me a River" ... I found myself dreaming of another time ... another place ... as there were times I thought I might drown in that river ... but somehow over time ... survived a much wiser man. But occasionally I still am reminded of that river once again ... and gently smile as sweet memories float through my mind ... and I feel grateful for that journey called "Love".
As I watched the end of the movie "Citizen Kane" ... ... it made me wonder what my "Rosebud" would be. Maybe my first 26 inch bike when I was 12 years old ... ... my best friend for several years that I called "Masey". Do you have a Rosebud too? Glad I did ... cause I loved mine.
Rosh Hashana 5783 a Year of Coming Home
Dear Friends, Once again, the opportunity awaits … to connect our hearts and connect our souls … with the feeling of … Peace and Joy and Love … with each other and for each other. Shana Tova, Ronnie K
Save Me
In the back of my mind ... ... I somehow believed that someone would come along and save me ... ... I guess from myself. But then, I would really never have been saved would I? Now my "SilentKnowing" tells me I can only be saved ... ...when I save myself. And realize I can only save myself when I surrender. Questions? As for me, I've stopped asking.
Searching for Me ...
Most of my life I’ve been searching for Me. Who I was … what I was … why I was. So many times I thought I found Me. But I never did. At times I felt hopeless … like an endless wanderer of life. And so I finally stopped searching. The years passed by … and so did my life. Then for no reason at all … I heard a knocking at my door. I open the door and there he was, the person I least expected. But immediately knew who he was. I smiled and welcomed him in … along with a comforting SilentKnowing. You see ... that person was Me.
Sense of Safety?
While sitting in my yard, I watched a deer across the street in my neighbors yard munching away on the vegitation while people and cars passed it by only a few feet away ... ... and the deer did not flintch. I realized how well the deer adapted to the safe-space of Ashland. But must ask ... "Realistically, does the deer have a false sense of safety ... or does it even matter?" And what about you?
What separtates us from God? What are the barriers? Words ... simply words.
Someplace New
When I close my eyes at night ... ... and disappear to unknown places ... to unknown dimensions ... yet to places I feel like I've been to before and sometimes know well ... and sometimes people who I know are there too ... yet they are in a way strangers as well. And when I awake ... I ask myself ... ... who am I now in this moment? ... and where have I been? And finally I ask myself ... ... am I back to where I started ... or have I been welcomed someplace new? All ... when I close my eyes at night.
Something Like a Butterfly ...
I was recently asked ... "How would you describe your personal transition ... ... to the new dimension of life you are now living?" I thought for a moment and replied ... "It was something like that of a butterfly ... ... transforming from a body with a Soul ... and becoming a Soul with a body." And now you know too.
Spectrum of Life
On one end of the spectrum, life may seem so full of hope ... ... while on the opposite end of the spectrum, so far apart ... life may seem empty and hopeless. And since the written history of man ... ... the two ends of the spectrum continue to remain very far apart. Now the real question I ponder is ... "Will it ever change?"
Spread your Wings with Joy and Soar
A person feeling Love without feeling Joy ... ... is like a bird that does not spread its wings when it flies. Neither can soar to the true heights of their own HeartCenter's desires. Feel the Love ... Feel the Joy ... and Soar on High.
Sweetness of Life
The Sweetness of Life ... ... to be alive and feel Joy for every moment I am witness to the acceptance of "Oneness" ... ... the acceptance that everything is connected in some way to everything else ... ... directly or indirectly ... ... each with their own unique set of time and space continuums.
Thank You
I feel my life's journey is almost complete ... ... even in all its incompleteness. And to all my friends who I never knew ... ... and those friendly souls who tried ... perhaps you might remember me ... for a few moments we shared in life. Yes, as time approaches dear friend(s) ... ... whoever you may be ... to tell you now ... in a loving way "Thank You" for all that might have been.
The Beauty in All Things
Those who live in peace with themselves ... and peace with God ... ... see the beauty in all things.
The Chosen Ones
"There are critical moments when we don't choose what happens ... ... but become the chosen ones." from the book "Awakening the Soul" by Michael Meade
The Comforting Oneness
I know if every day I can "Do My Best", (and my best may change from day to day)... ... and by not allowing the craziness of the world to tarnish my HeartCenter ... ... then I have the opportunity to feel the comforting Oneness with the "SourceGod" of us all.
The Emotional Pain
The pain ... this God forsaken emotional pain ... ... there in the background always waiting for me to let my gaurd down ... always gnawing at my heart. Oh the pain. How do I get rid of this God forsaken emotional pain? I do not want to know you anymore.
The Frequency of "Faith"
The GodSoul was put on Earth to live in neither Heaven nor Hell ... ... the GodSoul is on Earth to radiate a nourishing consciousness of Love ... and is itself replenished as it connects with GodSource in Oneness. This connection is found with the frequency of "Faith".
The Game of You
These past several years since I passed the 70 mark ... ... I quickly became aware that I was living in a new Dimension-of-Life ... a dimension with new and unavoidable realities ... and am now choosing to update my life's roadmap accordingly ... a roadmap that will act as my guide for the rest of my years ... a roadmap with a final destination called "MyHappiness" ... a destination that will continue to nourish my HumanSpirit ... and importantly also nourish my HumanSoul ... each with the energy of Peace and Joy and Love.
The Genie Within
Learn to start each day by welcoming the Genie-within to join you on your day's adventure. And please know, when the Genie-within is with you ... you have an amazing trusted friend by your side. Get to know this amazing Friend ... you'll be glad you did. BTW ... I call this Genie-within, my GodSoul ... cause "There's no place like home".
The History of Truth
It seems we all want to live by the truth ... ... and nothing but the truth ... as long as it's our truth. And what of truth that is not ours? This truth it is not the truth at all ... but lies. And which truth prevails? Whoever controls society decides. And that my friend is the "History of Truth" since the beginning of time.
The Ignorant Man or the Brilliant Man
Who is wiser ... ... the ignorant man who is brilliant ... ... or the brilliant man who is ignorant? Or are they the same?
The Imaginary God-Questions
A few imaginary questions for you to reflect on about YourGod. Q1: Did YourGod exist on Earth during the 100s of millions of years before humans inhabited Earth? Q2: Would/could YourGod exist on Earth today without humans? Q3: Which came first ... "YourGod created Man" or "Man created YourGod"? Q4: And finally ... could you verbalize ... at least to yourself, What does the term "YourGod" mean to you? Different answers to these questions can be found ... ... and with each being right in its own way.
The Last Ember of Hatred
Only when the last ember of hatred is extinguished ... ... we can begin to have lasting peace on earth.
The League I Like
The league I like playing in is ... ... a creative continuous flow ... ... of contributing whatever my own capability is ... ... to all ... ... and receiving back.
The Next Human Design
For the next design enhancement of the human species ... ... fill in the number below you will suggest to the Creator. And why could these changes be relevant to the survival of humans on planet Earth? a) decrease the human EgoCenter's importance by a factor of __% b) decrease humans uncontrollable desires of "animal lust" and power by __% c) and perhaps to increase the number of months in between a woman becoming fertile to ____ months. Doing so may create an enhanced cooperative connection for every human ... ... and a balance between EgoCenter and HeartCenter f ... or the betterment not only of one's Self ... but for the betterment of all inhabitants of Planet Earth. I wonder, must we wait for the next re-design for this to take place? Perhaps if we all begin to practice sharing "LovingKindness" ... ... between our EgoCenter and HeartCenter right now ... that this could be a catalyst.
The Past No Longer Rules
Once you become aware of repetitive patterns in your life that bring with them repetitive outcomes you no longer want to experience again ... ... find a way to transition to a different Dimension of Personal Awareness where such patterns can no longer exist. And when you do ... the past no longer rules.
The Portal
Blinded by precious but important traditions … and patterns ... and habits … all which too often have overshadowed doorways/portals to other dimensions outside our own. Yet at least one of these portals has always been open to whoever knocks. This portal is simply … “The daily practice of sharing Hesed (LovingKindness) from your HeartCenter whenever fitting … and taking in the light as you do." And with this daily practice, you soon find yourself in a new Dimension of Understanding ... a Dimension that is part of "SilentKnowing".
The Power of Compassion
There are "things" that all humans have in common, important things ... ... whether the humans are right or left brain thinking ... ... or have an entirely different way being. And one of these "things" most don't like to talk about is simply this ... ... the pain experienced in one's HeartCenter ... ... the pain that swoops down on us usually with little warning ... ... and often with a vengeance ... ... because something we dearly cherish and love has been negatively altered. If there was someone who was your "unknown" enemy ... could they ever feel a similar kind of pain as you in their HeartCenter as just described? Here is an opportunity in achieving peace with those of apposing thoughts ... ... no matter who they are ... ... listen with empathy to their "Pain" using the Power of Compassion. Let them know you care (... because you are wise.)
The Practice of Courage
May I find the courage to be all I can be ... ... starting in this very moment ... right here and right now. And not only with courageous intentions ... ... but more importantly ... with courageous actions to match. And it may not be easy ... ... the Practice of Courage.
The Practice of Eye Contact
Today I added this quick note to my list of active practices. "Practice adding 'eye contact' in conversations of all kinds ... ... and practice fully seeing and listening to who it is communicating with me ... and importantly connect my awareness of this communication ... with the wisdom of my own SilentKnowing."
The Practice of Slowing Down
As you speak, consider practicing slowing down ... ... the speed of words coming out of your mouth, maybe 3-6%.
The Privileged
Our world is composed of three simple economic groups ... ... the Haves (2%) ... the Have-Nots (55%) ... and those in between or TIB (43%). And what the Haves do best ... ... is to give reason for TIBs and the Have-Nots ... to be in unending conflict with each other ... making the Haves the invisible good guys .. thus allowing the Haves, these Privileged, to be controlling "it" all. Help ... Help ... I can't breath.
The Reality of Love ...
Love at times seemed to me like it would last forever ... ... however, I found love only really lasts ... but for a few moments in time. Appreciate and cherish each of those moments ... ... before they vanish ... in a blink of an eye. The Reality of Love.
The Themes of Life
Consider the importance of having a theme for each of the 3 Major Dimensions of your life ... Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual ... and to understand the harmony needed between all three to keep your HeartCenter balanced. If you don't have a theme for each dimension, perhaps it is time you do. And remember, as your world changes, adjust your themes accordingly. Once you have your themes settled ... let's talk. And I'll share with you mine.
The Therapy of "Hope"
Choosing "Hope" was such an essential key for me ... ... to live my life with a new kind of Joy and Meaning. I discovered with "Hope" as my friend ... ... I had the courage to make the needed attitude shifts ... to my own Dimensions of Personal Awareness ... that made life meaningful. And found an amazing new truth in my HeartCenter ... ... and joyfully realized that my life has been meaningful all along. "Hope"... A Great Therapy for Life!
The Ultimate Journey: Oneness
Today, I realized ... ... with all that I know ... ... and all that I've learned ... ... and all that I have experienced ... ... I know nothing about what's truly important ... ... important in living life in Harmony with my surroundings. For this is the dimension my life's journey has now brought me to ... ... a dimension somewhere over the rainbow. And now that I've arrived ... ... I choose to begin "The Ultimate Journey" ... ... the Journey of LovingKindness with ... and for All ... ... the Journey of living life in Oneness, Harmony and Peace.
The Ultimate Practice: LovingKindness
The Act of LovingKindness is the ultimate practice. With your daily practice of sharing LovingKindness, you soon become aware of a most wonderful shift happening in your HeartCenter ... a change in the way you connect and relate with others in your life and the world around you ... and most important, setting free the very essence of what we all have been born with at our very core ... the ember of GodLove. And by graciously celebrating LovingKindness everyday, we live life with peace in our HeartCenter and peace in our GodSoul with and for all.
The Ultimate Process: Surrender
It takes courage to Surrender. But perhaps the courage comes from discovering the answers to ... - Surrender What? - Who surrenders? ... EGOCenter? - What is it that EGOCenter would surrender? ... Its controlling ways? - Who does EGOCenter surrender to? ... To the Godsoul? - What must EGOCenter do? ... Alter old patterns and habits? - Why Surrender? So the Godsoul can guide both EGOCenter ... ... and HeartCenter to dance in harmony? Purpose? To broaden connectivity with GlobalConciousness ... ... and to embrace and nourish peace in the world you live.
The Ultimate Realization: Harmony
The ultimate realization for a human happens when your core-being/heart-center is vibrating at a frequency in harmony with your surroundings. And for sure ... there is more than one path that leads to the Vibrational Frequency of Harmony. Perhaps we'll meet there one day ... or perhaps we already have.
The Wisdom of Surrender
QUESTION: What is the difference between a Foolish Man ... ... who believes he knows all and desires yet more ... and a Wise Man who knows himself and has acceptance? ANSWER: The Wisdom of Surrender When the Wise Man awakened to the Wisdom of Surrender ... ... it did not mean he was giving up anything ... but instead he understood it would unify him ... in Oneness with the Universe. The choice to surrender became easy ... ... as it would transform him into an awakened and free spirit ... and engaged in life with eyes filled of LovingKindness. So just what was this "it" that the wise man surrendered ... ... and to who did he surrender this "it" to?
There is No Such Thing
As needed ... Examine your Personal-Life-Theme, and ask yourself and ask your GodSoul ... "Where are we headed? Is it time for change? What kind of change?" Only you can say ... but consider this ... for now, life becomes more predicable when you embrace Change as your friend ... cause Change is a constant in the equation of life for connecting the present to the future. And know this ... by definition, "Change Is Forever." But if Change is Forever, maybe there is no such thing as Change?
To Be Alive
To be alive ... to be alive. And I'll always have these warm, tender feeling inside. It's cause I'm alive ... I'm alive. And my life is gonna be like them changing tides. It's cause I'm alive ... I'm alive.
To Be with Hashem
"To be with Hashem ... To be with Hashem. It puts joy in my heart to be with Hashem And to know that Hashem is with me." "To be at peace with Hashem ... To be at peace with Hashem. It puts joy in my heart to be at peace with Hashem. And to know that Hashem is at peace with me." "To share Hashem's Love ... To share Hashem's Love . It puts joy in my heart to share Hashem's love. And to know that Hashem Shares love with me." "To be One with Hashem. To Be One with Hashem. It puts joy in my heart to be One with Hashem. And to know that Hashem is One with me."
To Heal or To Nourish ...
During my morning meditation, this question went through my mind ... ... If I had only one prayer I could say every day would I choose ... ... "I pray to heal my HeartCenter and GodSoul" ... ... or would I choose ... ... "I pray to nourish my HeartCenter and GodSoul"? What are the differences?
To Know as You Know
I thought to myself today ... "If you (me) want to be a great communicator ... ... then practice being a great story teller. Learn to take listeners to a new dimension of awareness ... ... be their guide to a place you want them to know ... as you know. And when they arrive ... welcome them home."
Today I Prayed For ...
I came to Ashland, OR and prayed I'd be emotionally healed ... and I healed ... Baruch Hashem. Now I have one more request of Ashland ..."To nourish my HeartCenter to a place with abundant joy". That is my prayer today ... and all days from this day forth.
Today, I Became Aware
Today I became aware of a life pattern I never recognized before ... ... a life pattern that was preventing me from obtaining my heart's desires ... my desperate fear of being rejected for "the-who" I was in that moment. And what I was doing to avoid this painful feeling ... ... I was unknowingly sabotaging my desires ... before they ever had an opportunity to blossom.
Today, We Celebrate Our Mother
To my dear Mother Earth … ... a mother to us all. Today, I am acknowledging your grandeur ... ... unconditionally. Thank you my dear Mother Earth ... ... for the love you radiate out from your very heart and soul … a love nourishing each one of your children ... every moment of our lives in amazing ways … you are so appreciated. And so today and every day ... ... I say from my heart to yours, ... “I love you.”
Together in Oneness and in Unity
As I listen to the Wisdom-of-My-Soul each day ... ... I practice my soul's revealed meaning to my life. And as I practice my soul's revealed meaning to my life ... ... I am encouraged to live my life's purpose in community. And when I live my life's purpose in community ... ... it is then I know I am One with MyGod. And what is your practice? There are many doors that open for those who knock ... ... and then step through so we can join hand-in-hand ... together in Oneness and in Unity. And what door have you chosen? Always with Love ... ... and always with Kindness.
Towers in the Sky
I often worked hard building magnificent towers up to the sky ... ... but when I would finish and reach the top ... ... I did not know what to do next. And now that I do know ... I've stopped building towers in the sky.
Trust the Wisdom
"I Trust the Wisdom of my Soul ... ... to Trust the Wisdom of the Universe." For me, now a daily practice ... ... Trusting the Wisdom of my Soul.
Trusting My GodSoul
I recently began to fully trust my GodSoul as my life partner ... my friend ... my buddy ... ... as my journey moves on ... to a destination unknown ... and yet it's my home where I am from. And since I welcomed in this trust here in my HeartCenter ... ... my life feels a kind of inner peace I've not known before ... that everything is and will be OK ... a peace that is with me every moment. A peace that connects me to Joy. Baruch Hashem ...
Trying to Connect
Are we all not Human-Spirits trying to connect to other Human-Spirits with similar energy-frequencies ... and why? And what of those Human-Spirits with much different frequencies than ours? So why would we care?
Twist and Turns
For me, life continues with its twists and turns. But for sure, lots to be very grateful for ... ... and yet some things in my life don't seem to change. I've invited "acceptance" into my world to join me ... ... so I might better understand those things that don't change ... and in some ways, it makes it all seem OK ... but sometimes it's hard work convincing myself. Gratefully, I'm still appreciating the little things life offers ... ... like going outside to feed the birds early in the morning.
Unconditional Love
What is real for me in my life in this very moment ... ... are the emotions of my many past lives ... overflowing from my heart ... and oozing out from every crack and crevice. Some joyful emotions but too many sad and empty ones ... ... sad and empty ones crying out and wanting to be soothed and healed. And then there are my other emotions ... ... that simply acknowledge my very presence on earth ... for just being alive. And what does all this mean to me right now ... ... and how I feel when my heart remembers the anguish of my past souls ... and deeply craves the very essence of Unconditional Love ... a love to nourish both my heart and soul ... and validates my life journey with purpose and meaning. I welcome you home Unconditional Love. Stay as long as you like.
Understanding Sweet Blossoms
I thought I understood.  I liked what I understood.  But now I am not so sure I do understand.   How wonderful it was to feel at one with the flowers I saw along the roadway that so magically reached out and touched me. Always thankful to have experienced such Sweet Blossoms.    But these flowers soon disappeared as the season quickly changed, With nothing I could do to stop it. Left only to dream of their beauty … from the past. Left only to dream of their beauty … yet to come.    But soon the season will again … once more … change. With hopes these beautiful flowers do re-appear. Perhaps, just not in the same places.    And soon … I will again … once more ... understand.
Unfinished Note to My Brother
(Before you begin reading this note my Brother, please know I am writing it not for you ... but for me.) Dear Brother, for as long as I remember, I always wanted to be brothers with you ... as friends and pals ... even though you were 15 years older and I had no idea what being brothers meant except what I learned in movies and TV as a kid. It all seemed a wonderful possibility. One thing I'm pretty certain about, we both had the same birth mother ... just not sure about our birth father(s) however ... the same or different. And yes, at times, we did seem to connect (or unconnect) to each other as "brothers" ... but for "whatever" the reason ... we never connected with an emotional understanding and acceptance of the other ... and for sure we never connected as spiritual beings with understanding and acceptance of each other's visions. Then there are your secrets ... the ones that continued to act as a wall between us ... over and over again. I often imagined what many of those little secrets were and still are tucked away in the corners of your mind. But I've stopped using your secrets as excuses as to why we never connected and have moved on to acceptance and finally leaving "my denial" behind once and for all. Not an easy personal desire to let go of ... but necessary. (this note to be continued ... or not?)
As the union of man and woman evolves, it brings together complementing energies … energies which are based on "the who” that each is ... and "the who” that each is becoming. And thus this union gives birth to its own meaning for the word “Love”. And the very essence of this meaning brings each closer to the Oneness of God. As two become three, and three become one …. and then returning back to two again.
Until My Last Breath
Learn to celebrate your life everyday ... until it's not worth celebrating. And when will it be not worth celebrating? Well ... I'm sure you'll have your own personal thoughts on this possibility. As for me ... I've learned that my life is worth celebrating ... until my last breath ... comforted with a SilentKnowing.
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