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Choosing Peace and Joy and Love
with Soul Whisperer and Spiritual Guide, Ronnie K
Welcome my Friend ...
I'm Ronnie Kaufman, author and curator of The Age of LovingKindness web pages.
Here you will learn about such things as the relationship of the energy flows between your HeartCenter and GodSoul ... as well as the Magic of Soul Whispering.
If you have not visited My Moments of Awareness Collection, I encourage you to take a quick look around at some of the recent additions.
And should you find yourself with some time to discuss any of the writings on any of the pages here, we can meet up in the Wisdom Circle where we can share and discuss thoughts and ideas.
TALK Pages to Explore
The Age of LovingKindness Paradigms
Personal Writings of Ronnie
Life and Times of Ronnie K
Personal Exploration Classes
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